
We raise money by performing concerts every few months and if people want to download our music free of charge and even donate to the causes that we support then that is great.

We have written many songs over the years and we enjoy playing and performing them live and on our recordings. To give a deeper understanding of the songs we have written and an appreciation of the reason and meaning behind the lyrics and the production of our music, we are producing some videos to help explain. (See links very soon)

In the near future we plan to stream our concerts and make a small charge which will again be used to support our chosen charities.

Thank you for your support in prayer, giving, streaming (hopefully soon) and for attending our concerts.

Song List

This is a song about the life of a young man who lived in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He was smoking too many cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol, taking too many drugs and he had turned his back on God.

Philip knew he had to change and so accepted God’s invitation to become a Christian. He also turned his back on drugs, alcohol and smoking and in fact became one of the best evangelists we have ever met. For the next few years Philip told many people about his new found faith in God and today he lives with Jesus in heaven.

Philip loved this song and when he knew he was seriously ill he created copies of Another Dream and 3 of his favourite praise songs and his family gave all of his friends and family a copy on CD.

Philip died at the age of 28 from a brain tumour. Marie Curie took great care of him during his last days. All the money raised from donations via Another Dream will go to support the excellent work of the faithful and dedicated team at Marie Curie.


Nightlight Ministries was a programme set up by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland where a small team of Christians gave out tea and chatted to people about God among other things each Friday and Saturday night from 10.00pm until about 3.00am. The team showed God’s love to people who were homeless, lost, drunk or just wanted someone to chat to.

After being on a Nightlight tour to see for myself what was involved, I was asked to write a song about the experience.

‘He Knows’ describes the Nightlight experience and reminds us that God knows everything and remains passionately interested in people no matter where they are or what they are doing.


This is a song written and composed for general congregational worship where a number of key Christian themes are addressed and they all point to Jesus being the Saviour of the World. He is the Son of God and the bright and morning star and if we are to become his followers we need to keep our focus on doing His will and doing what is right.

God’s Holy Spirit can change the hearts of people that acknowledge Jesus as Saviour and Lord and are ready to take up their cross. That is a very personal experience! When it happens, you know it happens – the excitement is in developing and growing our faith in God and sharing the love of Jesus with others.

Know it, Grow it, Show it and Sing it.


This song was penned after ‘He Knows’ was written. My experience on the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland, is probably similar to that of people in cities all over the world – we see people who are lonely, destitute, poor and homeless but too often we leave them as we find them.

As I walked past an old lady who had her life’s belongings in a tattered and ripped black plastic bag, I was aware that she saw me but her demeanour cried out ‘You don’t care’. It was that sentiment of hopelessness that prompted the song. Lost and alone, forgotten and ignored yet people are God’s greatest passion and prized possession – so what are we going to do about that?

In a broken world many people suffer greatly but for those of us who can give a little to help we need to just do it. All the money raised from donations via Fire in her eyes will go to support the work of the Simon Community


Since becoming a follower of Jesus at age 13 I have recognised that my faith in God is very similar to the close friendships I have with people. Of course there are some differences but there are very many similarities. It is about relationship and that matters a lot to me.

This song ‘by the touch of your hand’ characterises the relationship I have developed with God who is indeed the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings and the Master of the Universe. Yet, as a man, Jesus went to the cross so that all my wrongdoings could be forgiven. He paid the price – what a friend we have in Jesus.

This is an honest and humble reflection that recognises human frailty while attributing to God some of his mighty attributes. Jesus’ touch was special when he was on earth almost 2000 years ago. It is still special today!


In the Bible in 1st Samuel 16:7 we are reminded that ‘man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart’

The song ‘feelings of the heart’ is an honest reflection that at times we let people and God down. Thinking wrong thoughts, saying things that are wrong, spiteful and hurtful and doing wrong things. Unfortunately we all do it! The good news is that when we are truly sorry and ask for forgiveness, God forgives us and wipes the slate clean.

At the time of writing this song I had asked a Christian friend to speak at a school scripture union group on the Tuesday afternoon. He contacted me on the Sunday night to decline the invitation saying he was struggling with things. I read the lyrics of this song to him and he said that they summed up his position very well.

There are times in life when we want to run and hide. Feelings of guilt, hurt, frustration or something else. Thankfully, the God who made us can mend the coldest, broken and darkest of hearts and restore us.

Today my Christian friend is serving God in a church and doing a fabulous job with the community of people in his parish. Knowing that God can forgive all our wrongdoings helps us when we are called to do the same with our fellow man.

Purify my heart Psalm 51


This recording of ‘holding on to you’ has been played at a number of weddings for the simple reason that people make vows to each other and before God on these significant occasions. The sentiments of the song consider the highs and lows of life that are inevitable for all of us and so it is wise to put our trust in a God who loves us beyond measure.

It is probably not that surprising that ‘holding on to you’ has also been played at a number of funeral services. On these solemn occasions, when we are feeling sad and low, our hope, trust and comfort can be found in Jesus.

Whether we are experiencing the highs or the lows of life or somewhere in between, the focus of the song is on the saviour of the world and he is worth getting to know and holding on to.
